Hear The Track Here
I first encountered Baltimore's Even So through my review blog when I reviewed Nervy (March 2007). I can't say I share in the joy of being a Indie/alternative fan, at least in the American sense of artists like Moby (or mopy which is much more fitting) or REM but the one thing I am is an absolute sucker for a good song - whatever its dressed in. Nervy and Even So provided that with an aural adrenaline rush and - as I stated at the time of reviewing - 'a first play turn on' or ' a musical punch in the face' A lot of that hyper-hyperbole probably had a lot to do with my liking of the proto-punk elements Even So also brought to the increasingly raucous party. Certainly an excellent introduction to the band and more than welcome if the genre warms the cockles of your heart (Ed: wtf does that mean now? Must I employ a dictionary too?).A live, working band, Sam Hoffberger, Ira Gamerman and Tyler Wolfe (aka Even So), have created a decent stir for themselves over the intervening months from that track to this. That is because Even So know that the way it works online or off it, you have to 'work the room' - which in this case happens to be an enormously gigantic room filled with fousands of nutters and lunatics. Still, enough about my family, hie to the music... Because I almost had an emotional kitten reviewing Nervy (I like to see lyrics while listening), Even So kindly sent along the full set this time so there's a plus mark straightaway....
Can't say as Joseph Lewis Lucas did the same for me, probably because it did fit in the more American strand of altrock more than the UK flavour that imbued Nervy. Doesn't mean that it doesn't rock though, Even So definitely deliver the goods again and I would expect no less from a band so obviously on the road to major success - if the musical world has any ears left to hear with. It will certainly be enough to get even more fans both to their gigs and the various web places they hang out. If I were a native of Maryland - the band's home state - a night out with this band would be a pilgrimage worth making. It's not the instant whack that Nervy gave you, but give it time and JLL will work its own brand of magic. Oh and btw, the vocals are inspired.
Excellent alt rock. Highly Recommended.