Saturday, November 18, 2006

One Kid's Lunch - Okie Dokie La La

Hear The Track Here

Self acclaimed 'goofy Christian rockers' One Kid's Lunch have done an amazing job this year of spreading themselves about and, along the way, scoring more than a few fans. The truth is, their music and style pretty much sell themselves and even though there is a Christian element, I think that's not in any way getting ahead of the music. I've always found this Texas outfit extremely listenable ever since There's More (May 2006) crossed my path. The element that really wins people over to their side though just has to be their sense of fun; humour with a capital Ha Ha. Serious laugh out loud enjoyment, allied to an uncanny sense of musical rightness and you are getting close to what One Kid's Lunch has in store for you. In the time it has taken me to go through just five tracks, three of them still sit on my hard drive and two of them got a Must Have rating from me. Not bad going at all, although it has to be said that my own preferences do show when I listen to them.

Best to like rock then, or at least the lighter, poppier variety.

Tell you what, just as a taste of what the band is up to. There is a track on their Soundclick page called Wrinkled and Dead. Nothing much wrong with that, is there?. Then the band comment 'Just like my great-great-grandma'... How can you fault that? Sure anyone who hates to see grannies abused may get incensed about it but it just isn't the same as PYL (think about it, think about it). That is the common condition brought on by exposure to this unruly mob but by is it worth it. I'm sorry if this offends but I LOVE great pop songs and this ethos is at the heart of everything I have heard from OKL, and Okie Dokie La La is a class example of their brand of intelligent lyrics, guitar based pop and the wackiest vocals you ever heard. The references I came up with while listening to this epic little track were endless, ranging from 10cc (for the basic feel and pace) to Sid Vicious (for the Okie Dokie La La line right at the end).

Now THAT is what I'm talking about.

The only flaw (and it isn't really a flaw, more a wish of mine) is that the backing vocals just don't figure enough in the mix. I know for a fact there is a point in the second part of the chorus that already makes my ears shiver, and will do the same for you too I suspect; it's a great shame that it isn't just that bit louder. Still, when you are dealing with a track such as this, those are some pretty small apples to be yapping about. Like all their tracks, Okie Dokie is a little work of art, each peice slotting wonderfully into the whole giving the listener of those incredible rushes that only seriously warped musicians can deliver. I can only stand and applaud their endevours, and - if you are in any way taken by anything I've said, I'm sure you will to. Okie Dokie La La is a terrific place to start but whatever you do, don't miss Prayer For The Clueless (July 2006) by far my favourite track by this talented team of songwriters. Oh well, guess that makes four for the hard drive then...


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