Thursday, February 26, 2009

Minimack - My Heart Pours Out

Hear The Track Here

Having just been floored with hiphop rapper Whitman Speck, you would have thought any other hiphop artist would struggle to keep up but hey, here's Minimack with a very decent effort indeed. Shouldn't be that surprising I guess because he, like Whitman Speck, has scored at least one Must have from me and some serious compliments on other tracks. Considering this is hiphop, a genre where I am known to be hard on wannabes, and indie hiphop at that, it is in the rudest of health and the best of hands. Normally, I have to admit, I am usually disappointed in most hiphop I hear these days so this has been a bit of a special month for rap.

One of the real problems with indie hiphop I find is the difficulty in marrying up all the parts; music, beats and rap to make it into something more. Let's be honest, most of the hiphop you hear is formulaic, mysogynistic and sometimes just plain awful - and that's just the commercial stuff. When you get down to the indie level its a given that roughness is going to play a part which is why picking the right beat is so important. My Heart Pours Out is a good case in point, beats and music by RapItFly Beats and A Sean for the hook(?), its to Miniack's credit that it comes out sounding confident and strong.

My Heart Pours Out is, like a couple of his other tracks, about a particular 'chick' and this - I guess - is the aural equivalent of a Dear John letter to her. Step out sister, you are history. Now normally, such sentiments would put me right off - being a wizened old crone not fit for barking at - but the combination of music and (as the man says) the hook kept me listening well past its presumed sell by date. This is one of those tracks where the more you listen to it, the more it will grow on you. It's a given - of course - that you should have an appreciation of hiphop but this is surprisingly commercial and would please anyone who appreciates a good song.

Highly Recommended hiphop (and a keeper for me)

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