Friday, September 23, 2011

Larry Ludwick - Sandra Sits in the Station

Hear The Track Here

I have given ol' Lazza a lot of stick in the past about being one of the most reviewed people on my monthly Soundclick list but after all, we shouldn't forget that he's busier than a blue arsed fly. Not only does he have side project Speak Words Speak, but he can be found in collaboration with almost anyone who asks him including some stellar (but not comfortable) appearances with The Dead Company, my favourite chill down the spine. Actually I like Larry's work although it took me a while to settle to his very singular style, nonetheless it's produced some very unique listening experiences. This is a man who understands that experimental means exactly that.

Errrr...except this is jazz (blushes)

Much more to the point, it's also a tad longer than most people may be willing to tolerate (if they haven't run away screaming at the very mention of jazz), stretching out to a very leisurely eight minutes and a hunka-chunka change. Musically too, when you strip it down, the track doesn't actually do very much, what it does most is support the vocal. All well and good then because isn't that what its supposed to do? Weeelll (waggles fingers) In other hands, this most definitely wouldn't have worked, where Larry scores is with the instrumentation itself, and the beautiful sounds it all makes.

The other (big) plus is Larry penchant (damn, have to stop using them there foreign words) for the old verbals. Larry is a wordsmith and if you have no idea what that means, you should read one of his reviews. A very clear, focused writer and it definitely lifts Larry's style and, for fans like me, are actually one of the highlights of a new Larry Ludwick track. While I will certainly grant that Larry Ludwick is an acquired taste (that means you have to get used to it dear...have to listen for more then ten seconds or one play) he is a taste it is well worth getting. Stylistically, Larry has much in common with Leonard Cohen, but with a very different slant.

Highly Recommended jazz poem (I kid ye not)

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