Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ashique M Fahim - Mornings With You

Hear The Track Here

Bangla Desh, it has to be said, is not a country noted for its shredders. My neighbours are from that country and I've quizzed them about it but I'm not sure they quite understood what a shredder actually was. First they showed me a cheese grater, then a head of cabbage and finally a half empty, extremely sticky, pot of Frank Coopers Oxford Marmalade (the only true marmalade). Mind you, that is one of the problems with sign language, something that is necessary when neither side understands a word you are saying. Anyway when I started saying 'Steve Vai' to them, they threw me out on my ear, so maybe they DO know what shredding is.

Turning guitars into sawdust by pummelling it to extract the maximum amount of notes in the shortest possible time is what we are talking about and it isn't my favourite musical art - in fact, far from it. 'This is a song I wrote for the woman I truly fell in love with' Ashique states in the song comments and its a well known fact that not many women like shredding. Well unless you count shredding of nerves of course. The love of a good woman, so they say, tames even the wildest man and judging from this, she's definitely had an impact on Ashique's playing. It may, as usual, be a guitar instrumental in nature but it's - no doubt about it - a ballad in every respect and you know how I hates them varmints.

Mind you, if you caught me in an unguarded 'Oprah' moment even this old cynic would 'fess up to being a bit of a softy at heart, especially where lurve is concerned so I find myself liking this more than is probably decent. Well, it's pretty for a start and none of the tracks from this musician have really qualified for that description before, oh and did I mention it was a guitar ballad? Yeah, I know, probably nagged you to death with that one. I have spent a fair bit of time listening to Jeff Beck lately and this falls neatly into that picture without too much disturbance. Not comparing Ashique to Beck of course, but the musical style is similar and wait until you hear what little tricks Ashique has for you :)

Highly Recommended guitar ballad.

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