Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Tetsuroh - Far From the White Mist

Hear The Track Here

A brand new name to me from POP this time, and also this month's pick from POP Big Cahuna Chris Bishop. Regular readers will already know that Mr Bishop has had an absolutely spotless record so far, every single one of his picks has been - at the very least - extraordinary, even if the genre doesn't always fit me. Mind you, I've long known that Chris - as well as being an excellent musician in his own right - has a tremendous pair of ears. Not, I hasten to add, that he looks like the human equivalent of Dumbo but that the man knows what he likes and boy are his standards high. Always a pleasure then to get to the CB choice and Far From the White Mist and Tetsuroh follows in some fine company.

It must be blindingly obvious that Tetsuroh is a Japanese musician so it's pointless stating it (Ed: so why are you?) and - as you know - I am very partial to all things Japanese but especially the music. Although Far From the White Mist is completely electronic, to my knowledge, the way it is put together borders on classical/new age and not really an area to my own particular taste. However, I am not that much of a cretin that I can't recognise quality work whatever the context and Tetsuroh obviously put a lot of time, effort and yay love into making this slice of aural magic.

I was quite surprised to see that this track was made in 1990 and, in fact, is the only track on this musicians webpage. Either he is the slowest musician known to man, or he is VERY particular about what he releases. Judging from the quality and overall sound textures presented on Far From the White Mist, I'd say that quality control is a big thing with this guy. Listen, for example, to the cleanness of the harp plucks, the depth and resonance of the trumpet (if indeed it is a trumpet). It's a huge, wide-screen sound but so clean and clear you would be transported to the place described without any effort on your part. Tetsuroh says 'A vision to say 'here is something that makes sense. Vision must be unique' in describing his music and I'd say that was right on the money.

Wide-screen New Age. Highly Recommended blissout.

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