Sunday, March 05, 2006

Steve Gilmore Reviews: Deggsy/Crockmister - I'll Put Back The Moon Vers 2

Artist: Deggsy/Crockmister
Title: I'll Put Back The Moon Vers 2

No fekkin about this month with the Tardy Twins. Whoosh, straight in... They must have been hanging out in doorways with Thomas J and Billy Castillo to get in this early in the month. As I said in my review of their last classic track Lullaby In Blue (January 2006), they have now established themselves properly over at Soundclick and again I urge you - in the strongest of all possible terms - to check these guys out if you haven't before. I KNOW I can be a bit gushy about what I percieve to be talented outfits, but hey, I'm usually right though... At least that's what this banknote says.... Anyfekkinhoo, ANY artist who could get FIVE (count 'em, 1,2,3,4,5) Must Have's in a row, gotta be better than a poke in the eye which is what you'll get if you don't get your skinny butts over to their page pronto...

Ooops, sorry. Parental slip there, watch your step...

If I have any problems with this artist at all - and believe me I really don't - it's in their style which is slicker than Jim Carrey on a bad day. Both of these guys have a hankering for rhythm and blues and easy listening which looks more painful than it actually is. To be honest, in other hands, I would hate this with all the fervour of someone getting upset about cartoons but Deggsy and Crockmister know just how much schmaltz we can stomach. I'll Put Back The Moon V 2 is a case in point. If it wasn't as finely balanced as it is, I would have named it a Simply Red track which - as we all know - is the spawn of Satan and deserves to be put before the Spanish Inquistition. As is is, the track merely verges on that slipperly slope and then perches there confortably while the lounge lizard vocals sticks it's tongue down your ear canals for the utmost pleasure.

Not a lot wrong with that I find...

There's no lyrics with this track, which is a bit unusual because Craig Sofaly (aka Crockmister) is an excellent lyricist who usually post lyrics with the track. Never mind though, because he's a vocalist who actually knows how to sing AND be understandable (yep, there's a thought) and it's a soft enough track you can pick it all up in one go. Craig sounds good yet again on this track, his awesome vocals are a definite highlight, especially if you like QUALITY male vocals. I've used the Simply Red tag to beat this guy senseless over the space of the last year or so but it really is the closest comparision except - for my money - Crockmister is a lot more polished tonally and stylistically. I strugggled and struggled with this and the 'should I give it another Must Have' question and finally decided that I wouldn't. Not because it isn't worth that kind of praise because it is, but because it's just not that special. A absolutely gobsmacking album filler yes, for sure. Not, though, something worthy special attention - as brilliantly professional as it is...

Highly recommended, especially if you like your music e-a-s-y...

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