Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Bob Lazar Story - Glass-Eyed and Frankly ft. Crazy Legs

Hear The Track Here

For a moment there, as I started to write this review, I was suddenly convinced that New Zealand's The Bob Lazar Story didn't have a Soundclick webpage. Not that it makes any difference to me, and I'm halfway sure that SC wouldn't smack my bum for going off site for reviews - after all, I've done it often enough. Still, either the drugs kicked in or I was snapped back to reality and checked back through past reviews and there it was. Hey, maybe I am really getting old timers disease which would be ironic considering all the years I've been making fun of it. At this stage of the game I've reviewed a few TBLS tracks and - considering it is prog rock in all it's glory - Matt Deacon (aka TBLS) has fared pretty well, mostly down to his take on the style rather than anything I like about the genre which - as you know- is nothing whatsoever. I do like a good player though, or a good idea and that is where TBLS have always come clean.

Now obviously prog rock is a small part of the musical world, it's a fact that this is going to be decidely 'niche market' (see I learn all the buzz words!) and wouldn't appeal to everyone. However, what The Bob Lazar Story bring to the table is quirky enough to (just) drag it out of the black hole of oblivion I normally consign tracks from this genre to. A quick listen to any track will confirm just how quirky things can get, but as an introduction to the artist, I think this track has the best chance of getting through to a casual listener; there's a cute jazzy style to it that even win over some of the game soundtrack merchants who love anything bleepy and/or geeky.

It should also, in my very 'umble opinion o' course, appeal to those crusty old farts (yep, like me) who remember when Frank Zappa first started pushing the boundaries of what was then rock because it's the instrumental lineup that this track most reminds me of. Can't say that I've ever thought dear ol' Uncle Frank was ever a prog rock artist but if he were: this is what he would sound like. Now look at that statement as much as you want but I would consider I have just paid TBLS a massive compliment as musicians. Glass Eyed has a frantic, breathless pace that never lets up, but remains light enough to sustain even my interest for the requisite four minutes or so. Try it and see.

Excellent jazz influenced prog rock. Yep, that is not a misprint. Highly Recommended (for its genre).

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