Saturday, September 08, 2007

The Antennaheadz - April

Hear The Track Here

In case your mind is running away with the thought that I am doing Antennaheadz first is because it often is 'music to make you cry', then you'd be well wrong. Although I have to admit that the thought had occurred to me once or twice simply because - like any reviewer - it's hard to find words to describe what slopes shiftily into your ears. Noise, for sure and lots of it, but look closer and you'll see that there is some sense in what's going on - even if its harder to spot than my impending lottery win (14m to 1, as if...). I am, of course, exercising my right to a little jocularity on the artist but hey, he asked for it OK! ;) As it 'appens, Thomas J (for it is he) was actually first in line this month and I think he's more surprised about that than I am. After all, he beat a guy who camped on my doorstep until I opened the September signup. That, my friends is dedication.

Or desperation....

The one thing that can be applied - as a general rule - to this artists work is that whatever genre it is in, it won't sound like anythng you have heard before - or often not want to listen to again. Dependent on your point of view. The Antennaheadz are definitely an acquired taste. So, Thomas's chosen genre for this month is Avant Rock and if that ain't enough to make a grown man quake in his boots, let's go on and apply the music... I have to say, after listening for a while, it's probably more avant than rock but that is pretty much par for the Antennaheadz course. Essentially its a rock based track,a lthough it does indulge in tons of the usual aural fuckery along the way.

Or is that long way?

Because at seven some minutes April will probably stretch more than a few attention spans, should they be prepared to listen. As much as I joke about Thomas's highly individualistic output, I do have respect for him as a musician and large parts of April show exactly why that is. Amidst the swirl, strum and drang of the track are elements of Thomas on guitar, sax and probably endless other noisemakers as well as - speaking as a musician - he sounds like he's having a whale of a time. April turns out to be endless mood track, meandering from one form to another at will; some of it more listenable than others but all told, this is what Antennaheadz do best - and this is one of their better examples of it.

Soundclick Alternative, it don't get much weirder than that. Highly Recommended for the brave at heart though.

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