Sunday, February 24, 2008

Fluidity - Secret Window

Hear The Track Here

John Paul Carroll (aka Fluidity) has been chomping at the bit all month and swearing mightily at this reviewer. So what else is new, you may ask. Welp, I have been extremely remiss and obviously slipping rapidly into senility because I seem to have almost forgotten him this month. It was only the incessant burning around my ears that finally convinced me that I had better get on with it. Gawd knows why I've forgotten this track on this list, I downloaded the damn thing early enough but somehow it obviously slipped out of my written list.

How's that for craven apology? Hey, best I can do...

'I think i wrote this song in quazi, paranoid-delusional state' JP states in the song comments to which we would comment, so what else was new? It's actually one of the joys of Fluidity tracks, the lyrical axes this artist has to grind are legion. Believe me, I have reviewed most of them. As I mentioned when I reviewed Best Behaviour (January 2008), I don't think I have heard this artist singing with this much confidence before and I'm happy to say that this is a change that seems to have taken.

Not only does Secret Window find Fluidity in fine voice but he's gone all experimental (well, for him anyway). This track shows just how much this artist is pushing his own personal envelope and boy is it paying off. Yes, you obviously have to get used to hearing him and his material but I reckon even a casual listener will get a buzz out of this incredibly moody, clever track. For us fans of fluid, it's getting better all the time. The sophistication JP is bringing to bear on his music and his style is inspirational for those of us following what he is up to. A rapidly maturing musician and songwriter of a very high standard. See, told you I shouldn't have missed this one out... Classic Fluidity. Mean, moody and something else that begins with an M.

Highly Recommended Alt Rock

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